In preparation for the Year In Review and the BCGLP Symposium on May 23rd, the EDI Fellows put together blurbs about their projects to accompany their posters and presentations. We are featuring one every day until May 23rd. We hope you can join us. Here is Connor Holland ’19 and Sebastian Singh ’19 about their 3D-Printed ECU Subluxation Wrist Brace.
Over the course of the year, we have been working on a solution to a medical problem called Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU) Subluxation, in which the ECU Tendon snaps over the ulna causing possible tears in the tendon sheath. The problem we found with common bracing solutions for this affliction was that they were not reliable or comfortable. Using a flexible 3D-printed material, we designed a bracing solution that allows for almost full range of motion and provides comfortable support. Our next step is to meet with Orthopedic specialists and test our prototypes with patients.