As a new member of the EDI fellows, I was challenged with the task of 3D printing a bridge. The goal of this project was to learn the basic skills of 3D design while creating a quality product. Wanting to challenge myself, I decided to make a suspension bridge. The first step was to design the bridge in Tinkercad. Building the base was easy but building the suspension cable was not. After experimenting with a couple simple shapes, I found that there are some more complex shapes, like a bent pipe, which worked perfectly. Completing my design in Tinkercad, I was ready to print. The first print failed. Fortunately, I learned a lot. I changed my mindset. Instead of just printing the bridge, I printed the pieces and will glue them together. This eliminates the need for extra supports, which ruined my first design. Making these changes, I completed my bridge! I really enjoyed this project because I learned a new skill and created an awesome bridge.