At the beginning of this school year, Mr. Wetmore addressed all of Norfolk Academy’s Fellows and spoke to us about commitment and about the effort and thought that we should strive to put into the Fellow’s Program in the coming year.
Mr. Wetmore introduced the commitment continuum, a spectrum on which different levels of commitment are shown. The levels included are resistant, reluctant, existent, compliant, committed, and compelled. A resistant individual is one that opposes the program and works against it. Reluctant members rarely get involved and are not driven to be a hardworking Fellow. Those who are existent are just there, not providing input or support for the Program. Many people could be classified as compliant, one who does the bare minimum. These people may come to class and somewhat involve themselves in what is being done, but they are not very interested and are hesitant to put in extra effort to help other Fellows.
Mr. Wetmore challenges us to be committed, and even more so, compelled. Committed people have a strong drive to put in extra effort to benefit the Program and their other Fellows. A compelled individual takes this even further and is fully devoted to the Fellows program. Over the course of this year, all EDI Fellows will work towards being committed and compelled members of our teams.