A single oyster can filter about 50 gallons of water a day, therefore, they are extremely important to the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. For my EDI project, I am going to model and 3D-print an oyster to show how oysters filter the water. Within these models, I plan to engineer and implement a filter (the kind of filter is to be determined). The main purpose of these fake oysters with filters is to educate people about the importance of oysters to the Chesapeake bay ecosystem. Ultimately, the oysters, when put in unclean, sedimentary Elizabeth river water, will be able to filter the water enough to show a change in color. The target demographic is patrons at Nauticus (the naval and maritime museum), as these oysters can be used as part of a program about oysters and other Chesapeake bay filter feeders. These models can also be used at NA as part of Lower School science, as I remember spending a lot of time in 4th grade learning about the importance of oysters. Even further, I plan to make these 3D models open source, so that teachers around the country can 3D print and assemble these models themselves.