NA Alumni Consider: Kenyon College

As cliché and campy as it may sound, it is truly hard for a smile not to overtake my face when I talk about Kenyon College.  I may have only completed the first semester of my first year, but already, my

NA Alumni Consider: The University of Virginia

At Norfolk Academy (NA) there exists a sort of stigma in attending U.Va.  You won’t make any new friends.  It’s the same culture as Academy.  As a senior at NA, I believed these rumors and as a result turned in

Facebook & Twitter & Pinterest Oh My!

A number of you took a crack at UVA’s “To tweet, or not to tweet?” supplemental essay this fall which yielded a lot of good conversation about the value of interpersonal communication and the challenges students experience as their sense

Diaries & Memoirs: The Best Essays

I’ve always thought diaries-turned-memoirs are fascinating reads.  The willingness of writers to share vulnerable moments and to be authentic, even if only within the pages of their books.  It’s their introspective nature that really grabs me.  A writer’s willingness to be