The College Visit: Summer Style
Any Time is a Good Time: The value of a campus visit cannot be overstated. The chance to walk the bricks, project yourself into spaces, see and hear the people with whom you would have the chance to live and
Any Time is a Good Time: The value of a campus visit cannot be overstated. The chance to walk the bricks, project yourself into spaces, see and hear the people with whom you would have the chance to live and
Seniors, fall is right around the corner and that means final opportunities to strengthen your standardized test scores in anticipation of the application season. You will have four chances to sit for the SAT and three chances to sit for
The college admission process is a marathon, not a sprint. For many of you it won’t conclude until May 1, the National Candidates’ Reply Date by which seniors officially confirm their attendance at a school of choice. Students who really
It’s never too early to begin planning for the expense of college. If you are accepted into an institution with a net price well beyond your family’s means, you may not realistically be able to afford the expense of attending that
With the helpful advances of Common App Rollover many of you have begun to complete the Common Application. Here are a few additional tips to help you work efficiently and thoughtfully within the application environment. Streamline your work efforts by compiling required information before
Do you know the man in this picture? If you don’t recognize him, I bet you would recognize his voice. He is Sal Khan of Khan Academy, and he believes that faces are distracting, so his instructional videos include only
Coach’s Corner: May Wrap Up We are pleased to announce that many Norfolk Academy student athletes in the Class of 2015 have committed to participate in college varsity athletics. Tremendous sacrifice and hard work has brought great success to these Bulldogs. We now
We all know that numbers count. Your grade point average and your standardized test scores will open doors at colleges where you fit based on the numbers that you earn. As an English teacher, though, I am partial to words,
Juniors, if you haven’t already begun to think about the college search, it will here before you know it. We’re excited about it, are you? This January the College Counseling team will host individual meetings with you and your parents
Maurice Sendak’s Pierre, Shel Siverstein’s The Giving Tree, Dr. Seuss’s Oh the Places You’ll Go; there are a lot of important messages to be learned from children’s books. So many of them focus on advice to youngsters relevant to the