Daily Archives: January 31, 2019


Hello all! This blog post is a combined look at the beginning of December and the entirety of January, considering both of those months were shortened by Winter Break. Here’s what we’ve been up to…

The seniors have been working hard on our Factfulness chapel. It is coming up in a few weeks and we are getting ready! We have created a Kahoot quiz for the Upper and Middle School students to take prior to the chapel, after which we will compile the data to convey it to everyone during the actual chapel. The seniors will be running through the chapel in front of the rest of the GHF’s to practice! We are eager to show the student body Hans Rosling’s look at our world more clearly to push back against the negative worldview that has become increasingly common.

The 20s and 21s continue presenting their case studies to each other. The 21s are gaining valuable insight into the public health field and the various interventions it has seen. Ells just presented a case study about an intervention for measles in South Africa.

The 20s have decided to dedicate the rest of the second semester (and possibly next year!) to creating a reference source for global health in the form of a book. They have broken it up into chapters and sections and are embarking on exciting research for their project. They have tackled this project in order to create a helpful source of information for the current fellows but also the future Global Health Fellows! An insider (the lovely Miss Julia Duarte) says that the book will cover everything from non-communicable diseases, to mental health, to refugee crises, and beyond! Much encouragement to our 20s on this new venture!

As a program, we are steady in our hard work on projects for Belize. The 20s and 21s have stepped up to continue these projects after the seniors graduate and the seniors are giving it their all in these last few months. Our projects continue to grow, even as they face challenges, much like us as students and Global Health Fellows.

As January comes to a close, we continue to work, heads down, grateful for this talented group and eager for our continued partnerships in Belize. Happy February!

Written by Madeleine Munn ’19.