On Sunday, May 11 (Mother’s Day), the Global Health Fellows hosted an event to raise awareness and funds for Midwives for Haiti. About 110 people convened for a delicious Baker’s Crust brunch followed by a brief presentation by the Fellows to honor all the mothers in the room and to raise awareness about maternal health issues around the world. Nadene Brunk, Founder and Executive Director of Midwives for Haiti, shared with the group about the work MFH is doing in the Central Plateau region of Haiti and we enjoyed watching the “Making of a Midwife” miniseries.

The Global Health Fellows and International Relations Fellows selling Mother’s Day cards at Norfolk Academy’s Field Day, May 3.
Leading up to the event, the Global Health Fellows sold Mother’s Day cards. In total, the event and card sales raised $4015.56 for Midwives for Haiti! We hope to host a similar event next year on Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 10, 2015 – so save the date and plan to join us!