Inaugural Center for Civic and Global Leadership Fellows Symposium

On May 21, we held the first Fellows Symposium here at Norfolk Academy.

It was an incredible evening that brought together our community and our partners to engage with our Fellows and hear about their independent or group projects. Howard Hoege, Assistant Dean of Strategic Initiatives at the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy at the University of Virginia, kicked off the evening with an inspiring and impassioned keynote address, “Developing Civic and Global Leaders,” that challenged Fellows, in Dr. Rezelman’s words, to “not allow an academic overemphasis on ‘nuance’ and ‘complexity’ to become an excuse for hesitation or inaction.”

Mr. Wetmore, Mr. Hoege, Mrs. Hoege

Mr. Wetmore, Mr. Hoege, Mrs. Hoege

After program updates from each of the directors, we headed into the refectory for an interactive poster session with the twenty-two current fellows of the Global Health Fellows program, International Relations Fellows program, and the Chesapeake Bay Fellows program. The room was abuzz as fellows shared their work with a series of small audiences and engaged their questions and feedback.

Symposium - Wyatt and Lisbet

Wyatt Miller and Dr. Lisbet Hanson

Elizabeth Lilly, GHF '16, presenting about providing quality cancer care in the developing world.

Elizabeth Lilly, GHF ’16, presenting about providing quality cancer care in the developing world.

Click on the links below to view the visuals each Global Health Fellow crafted to present his/her work:

Aneesh Dhawan 

Brian Peccie

Bridget Dickinson 

Elizabeth Lilly

Stuart Luter

Wyatt Miller

In two weeks, these six fellows will be back in Haiti to conduct needs assessments and research in the field, to pilot their curricula, to distribute bed nets, and to take the next steps necessary to transform their projects from a plan on paper into a reality. Thank you to all who attended the symposium – your interactions and conversations with our fellows undoubtedly provided them with new perspectives and questions that will inform and improve their projects before implemention.


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