Students and faculty enjoyed activities with their host families over the weekend. This post, written by Peyton Hope ’19, recounts her experiences on Saturday, March 10, 2018:
Today was a full day to relax and have fun with our host families!
Molly and Sandra went shopping and enjoyed eating new foods, and Lily had fun watching Dani’s sister at her volleyball game.
Marissa, Ana, Irina, and I enjoyed a day of relaxation, home-made orange juice, and a traditional Argentina dish for lunch. Shelby tried octopus for the first time, and Parker met up with Kara, who is on a school year abroad in Spain.
Tonight, everyone on the exchange will have fun at the discoteca with their hosts!
Written by Katie Oliver ’19 to recount her Sunday, March 11, 2018:
Today we got to sleep in and enjoy the morning with our exchange students! Michael and Cabot went to a soccer game
while most of the girls went shopping in the city. After walking around for a while, many of us ventured off and tried different foods. Molly and I went and got gelato and some girls
went with their exchange students to get Nutella-filled brownies. We all enjoyed experiencing new things today especially our adventures riding the train/subway. We later returned to our host families homes to enjoy dinner and relax for the night!