It’s hard to know where to begin. It’s 2230 Trapani (Sicily) time and your Bulldogs have been working hard, let me repeat for effect…working hard since whenever he/she woke up on Sunday morning until this very moment. They’ve been “at it” for … well in excess of 30 hours.

I suppose I should sugar coat it and avoid mentioning “turbulence” on the transatlantic hop…but in keeping with the spirit of the Academy Honor Code … I’m coming clean. It was jussssssst a little bumpy for in excess of 4 of the 8 hours of flight time across the big pond.
Turbulent enough the make the “sleeping on an airplane event” …that much more challenging. But, that was then and this is now. Your son/daughter is in Sicily! They’ve been fed, watered, and put to bed.
A few pictures (with captions) will follow. Perhaps you’ll be able to get a feel for the “character,” the “personality” of the day! They were so good! They were so competitive (in a healthy way). Sorry for what sounds like some kind of touchy-feely love fest. I’m not “Mr. Feel Good.” What you see is what you get. I saw it…and you’re getting it.

Till next time … BWIIC is headed for a little slumber.