Congratulations to the amazing magazine staff of 4GA on the publication of The Weird Issue: This Issue Has Issues. Come by the Cooper Library to check out a copy!
2nd Grade Authors Continue to Amaze Us!
Using Mac Barnett’s Sam and Dave Dig a Hole as a mentor text, 2nd grade boys spent this week in The General Story writing their own books. Like in Barnett’s story, the characters in their books found what they were looking for, just in an unexpected way.
Have a Great Break!
To all our readers and writers out there–have a great break!
In need of a good story?
In need of a good story? The second grade boys have you covered. Come on by the Cooper Library and check out some books by our student authors!
Good Luck Out There.
5C is hard at work on the first collection to be published by their imprint, Dreamer Books. We don’t want to give too much away, but we love this line from Vera’s story and just had to share it.
Bad Cactus.
We don’t have words to adequately describe our love for this story by Thomas. You’ll just have to watch it for yourself to see what all the fuss is about.
“Wait. This is Not a Fairy Tale”: Stories from 5D
Congratulations to the authors of 5D, who published their short story collection earlier this month!
You can read their collection in its entirety here, or you can come check one out from the Cooper Library!
Things are not as they seem.
We’re all a little crazy on the inside, and Amanda’s description captures this so perfectly. Read the rest of Amanda’s wonderful story in 5D’s collection, “Wait. This is not a Fairy Tale”: Stories from 5D, which was published on November 1st. You can access their entire collection under the Catapult Press Imprints tab at the top of the site!
Cooper Quarterly: The Boring Edition
You can now read a digital version of Cooper Quarterly: The Boring Edition! This amazing magazine is the work of the brilliant minds in 4GB. Congratulations, girls!
But….they had nothing in common!
Can a sheep and an elephant still be friends, even if they don’t have anything in common??? Matthew, a second-grade author at NA, gives us the definitive answer (spoiler: you bet they can!).