Alorra …. so there we were …. the evening of giorno uno …. after a thrilling ride up (waaaaay up) to …and a ride down (waaaay down) from Erice … we were seated in the courtyard of our accommodations, enjoying that wonderful meal you caught a glimpse of in the previous post …….when ….. out of no where … way past left field …. almost all the way “out” of here …. something akin to a “flash mob” happens … we’ll call it a “flash laugh”.
One minute, Angelina and Pippa were the typical duo of 8th graders participating in this “memories-for-life” event ….. soaking up the international experience, the cultural diversity…. the “essence” …. no … the “fabric” of the inaugural Italian Odyssey …… (as well as a sip or thirty-two sips of Coca-Cola)…… and then …. the very next minute …… Angelina and Pippa just started laughing …. it was neither giggling, nor chuckling, nor a hearty guffaw for that matter …. it was something on the order of a thermonuclear laughing event… deep belly-laughing, replete with wincing and grimacing from iso-metric abdominal distress and “almost” involuntary zygomatic-major activation, but more importantly …. independent neuro-stimulation of orbicularis oculi. And …. beyond this universally observable indication of some sort of “quasi-euphoria… last-long-time-a-ca” (same affliction affecting The Joker in the highly acclaimed 2015 TMC/History Channel docu-drama Batman Meets Joker, Mothra, and Rodan)…Angelina and Pippa were reacting to countless ultra-complex stimuli such as the words …. “the” …… “what’s” ….. or “an.” A double-blind study is currently in phase two of FDA certification protocols with a target date of 20 June 15 for release in the BEUI journal (“Board of Evaluation of the Unimportant and Insignificant.)
Perhaps !! Maybe just “perhaps” …… this will be one of those ….”you hadda be there” events … but… I’m trying the multiple-picture-solution again … and I fully anticipate that you will require little encouragement… to join-in laugh”ing” uncontrollably ….right along with” the dynamic duo of cachinnate. Fasten your seat-belts Mom & Dad …let’s bake this cake!





(maximatus bendnecksiderus)

(both noninjurious mutations)

(initial indications)

Ciao 🙂
BWIIC Note: All photos were taken using single-shot “manual” shutter release. Burst photography : both 5 fps (frames per sec) and 8 fps multi image capture functions were not used ! The duration of this episode can only be measured in LPM (laughs per minute) not fps (frames per second).