Or … in my case … maybe ten-thousand … or an hundred-thousand words!
BWIIC Note: Chronologically… this post actually belongs as “Day ONE” (Lunedi …Monday) of the timeline….
Allora … there we were … a bit jet-lagged … and not so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed …. climbing aboard the Salvatore’ Express (in front of the airport) and immediately heading out for a “full” day, at Erice (Err’-i’cha …. short”i”, long “a”), lunch, and a castle for dessert. Then … a drive to accommodations, a fabulous masterpiece of an evening meal (2100 for dinner) … followed by …. the first of our nightly AARP meetings( No …of course that’s not it! …don’t be ridiculous … EGO15 coined that acronym long before those wha’chamacallit people did) ! AARP has always stood for …Awards And Recognition Program … hasn’t it!
The “drive” …UP (and I mean uppppa) to Erice was what one might describe as a “thrill seeker’s” … “adrenaline junkie’s” …. walk in the park. But …. Alas … poor Yorick (as well as Senora Lucia-Pollio) had not received the Joey Chitwood Thrill Driver’s fam course prior to leaving the States. Hence … the occasional “no…no…no….ohhhh…..noooo…. noooo…ohhh nooooo” whimper could be heard clearly above the whine of the Salvatore’s “little coach engine that said could” …as it labored up the “switchback-every-100-meters” journey up that “Highway to …..” (as AC/DC so aptly put it in their 4 min 45 sec chartbuster in 1979) en route Erice. In an effort to at least “try” to get caught up …. many photos will follow in this post … with many fewer words accompanying them. Relax …. no cause for alarm! … I will most likely return to the land of the somewhat normalcy …tomorrow…and write the normal “terse” (only different) blog post ….you’ve become so accustomed to reading.
“One” of the almost countless switchback, hair-pin, aye-yai-yai turns on …….The Road to Mandolay …where the flying fishes play, and the sun comes up like thunder out of China cross the bay. ….. oops …. wrong Blog… sorry Dr. N …. no harm…no foul. Ahem! …. cough…cough …. on the road to ERICE (air’-i-cha <– short “i” and long “a”)