Author Archives: namoscoso17

’17s Economist discussion

On Monday, January 11th, the ’17s met to discuss the Economist. We decide we would all read a few of the articles in the magazine and discuss what we found interesting. At first, our discussion centered around the Syrian Refugee Crisis and EU policy toward this crisis. Then, the meeting took a turn and we began discussing the possibilities of an English exit from the EU and the possible implications.

-Nico Moscoso

’17s leadership breakfast

January 19th, 2016- All the 2017 fellows in the CCGL met this morning for our first leadership breakfast of the new year. Led  by Catherine Bowles, we discussed an article from the Harvard Business Review, which listed 8 steps to effect change. Then, the group was split into two. Group One took on the theoretical challenge of changing Norfolk Academy’s athletic culture develop a wining and sustainable football program. Group Two discussed how to make Norfolk Academy more environmentally friendly by encouraging NA students to recycle more. We look forward to the presentations next time we meet!

-Nico Moscoso